Ethics and Breastfeeding
Course Objectives:
- Participants will be able to list the Principles of Ethics
- Participants will be able to describe the difference between Ethics and Law
- Participants will be able to identify the Articles 4.2 & 7 of the International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes that relate to the IBCLC
- Participants will be able to describe why a Code of Ethics for IBCLC is needed
- Participants will be able to describe how the Code of Ethics relates to practice for IBCLC’s
Course Outline: 4 hours breaks not included
- Discussion about what is “Ethics”. (90 min)
Differences between Law and Ethics
How are Ethics involved in the health care field?
A Code of Ethics is to guide its members in fulfilling their obligation as professionals.
Principles of Ethics
- Autonomy = Informed Consent
- Veracity = Truth and honesty
- Confidentiality = Right to privacy
- Role Fidelity = professionally accountable, know limits & when to refer
- Beneficence = Active prevention of harm
- Nonmaleficence = “primum non nocere” – first do no harm
- Justice = Fairness
- Discuss the Standard of Practice & Code of Ethics for IBCLC’s (80 min)
- Professional Responsibilities, Legal Considerations, Clinical Practice, Breastfeeding, Education and Counselling
- Code tenets and area of practice
- Conflict of interest
- Intellectual Property and Intellectual Rights
- Discuss the role of the IBCLC and the international code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes. (30 min)
- Understanding the international code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes.
- Articles 4.2 & 7
- Careful where you tread.
- Violations of the code of ethics. (30 min)
- What is a violation?
- Procedures for lodging a complaint
- Actual cases of ethics violations
5. Discussion period. (10 min)
- Open discussion about ethics and answer any relevant questions
Total – 4 hours = 4 CERPS