Anatomy and Physiology of the Infant
Course Objectives:
- Participants will be able to give a basic description of the bones, muscles and nerves of the newborn skull
- Participants will be able to list the cranial nerves involved in suckling and swallowing
- Participants will be able to describe the oral anatomy of the infant that is relevant to breastfeeding
- Participants will be able to list the newborn reflexes essential to breastfeeding
- Participants will be able to recognize abnormalities of the face and mouth
- Participants will be able to describe intra-partum and post-partum influences that can impact the infant’s ability to suck
- Participants will be able to explain the importance of early skin to skin and if possible self attachment at birth
Course Outline: 4 hours breaks not included
1. Infant Anatomy (60 min)
- Anatomy of the Skull of the Newborn
- bones of the cranium
- Muscles of the Face
- Oral cavity of the newborn
- 12 cranial nerves
- The cranial nerves involved in sucking and swallowing
- Muscles involved in sucking
2. Physics of sucking (45 min)
- Chronological order in which the newborn’s reflexes mature
- The role of the hard and soft palate related to breastfeeding
- Suck cycle
- Sucking reflex
- Types of sucking - Rapid sucking, Nutritive sucking, Non-nutritive sucking.
3. Abnormalities of the face, mouth (45 min)
- High arched palate or ‘bubble’ palate
- Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie)
- Cleft lip/palate
- Macroglossia (large tongue)
- Micrognathia (small, receding chin)
- Down syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome
4. Intra-partum and post-partum influences that can impact the infant’s ability to suck (45 min)
- Analgesics and anesthetics given to mother during labour –uncoordinated suck, sleepy baby
- Induced labour, assisted delivery, birth trauma, birth asphyxia, rapid birth, excessive head molding with long labour may have an impact on infant’s ability to suck.
- Deep oral suctioning, passing an oro-gastric tube, digital examination or being forced to feed particularly before breastfeeding is established may lead to an oral aversion and difficulty with infant’s ability to suck
- Suck/nipple confusion – use of artificial nipples or pacifiers before breastfeeding is established
- Oral infections – Thrush (? intra-partum A/B’s use).
5. Birth to breast (30 min)
- Importance of early attachment
- Skin to skin
- Self attachment
- Suck/swallow/breathe pattern
6. Question period. (15 min)
- Answer any questions related to class & what to prepare for next class
- Mini exam to take home Total 4 hours