Breastfeeding Techniques & Equipment
Course Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
- Describe maternal and infant positioning for breastfeeding.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of latch-on and suck. Describe proper latch-on technique.
- Compare the different breastfeeding assessment tools.
- Describe different types of breastfeeding equipment.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using appropriate breastfeeding aids.
- Assist a mother and newborn with correct position and latch technique and instruct her on how to know baby is getting milk.
Course Outline: 4 ¼ hours breaks not included
1. Maternal and infant positioning for breastfeeding and Proper latch-on technique (90 min)
- Assessment – history, culture, birth, breast and baby
- Position of mother - environment, comfort, physical support, assistance needed
- Position of infant – well supported, in alignment
- Types of holds – cradle, clutch, cross-cradle, lying, Australian
- Advantages and disadvantages of each position
- Evaluate the effectiveness of latch-on and suck.
- Proper alignment, areolar grasp, areolar compression, audible swallowing, suck-pause motion.
- Self attachment
- How to teach mother how to know baby has a great latch-on?
2. Breastfeeding aids and equipment (60 min)
- Why and when appropriate breastfeeding aids are needed.
- Identify problem, step by step solutions – always ensure correct position and latch-on
- Tools to assist mothers to continue to breastfeed
- Selecting and techniques for using breastfeeding aids and equipment
- Nipple shields, breast shells, creams/gels, lactation aids, Haberman feeder, artificial nipples.
- Advantages and disadvantages of using breastfeeding aids.
- Is it readily available and easy to use and clean i.e. spoon or cup
- Cost of aid or equipment
3. Role play assisting a mother and newborn with correct position and latch technique (90 min)
- Complete a maternal, birth and infant history
- Assessment of mother and infant breastfeeding
- Assist mother with positioning and latch-on if needed
- Explain to mother how to know baby is getting milk.
- Explain and show techniques that will assist mother and infant to breastfeed comfortably.
4. Question period. (15 min)
- Answer any questions related to class
- What to prepare for next class Total 255 minutes